Thursday, November 19, 2009

Recipes- creativity is key

Hello!  Have you ever looked inside your fridge and scoured the cabinets only to find that you have a whole bunch of nothing?  Oh, and to top it off, your children are at your feet saying, "Mommy, I'm hungry."  By the time you realize that there is nothing to make they have already repeated themselves 5 times and now the husband is chiming in.  Lets just say that this situation is a regular occurrence in my household. 

There are not enough hours in the day to get everything done.  It is either that or I sleep too much!  Sometimes I am just way too exhausted to go grocery shopping.  It is a huge ordeal to look at the sales online, make a list, drive to the store, get the groceries, drive home, bring the groceries in the house, and then put them away!  Now, before you judge me and call me lazy, you have to admit to yourself that you feel the same way.

Anyways, I tend to get off topic, so I am going to just cut to the chase before it happens again.  As much as I cannot stand grocery shopping, I love to cook.  It is so fun to get into the kitchen, look through those empty cabinets and come up with some crazy concoction.  I would say that I have about a 90% success rate with my inventions, and about 75% of that is kid approved by the toughest critic around:  my older daughter Arianna.

I have started a recipe page and will be adding my creative masterpieces on a regular basis.  Because I have kidney disease, a lot of my recipes are low in sodium and you may need to add additional salt.  I am a vegetarian, so you will see a lot of recipes that do not include meat.  Have no fear, the recipes that do call for meat have been taste tested and my husband does not lie.  He lays it all out on the line when it comes to flavor, and helps me to improve my recipes if they are not quite up to par. 

I encourage you to please come check out my recipe forum and add your favorite recipes to my list.  I am always looking for new things to make.  Thank you so much for reading about my obsession with creating recipes and I am looking forward to seeing your submissions!

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