January 1, 2007
Lexi is turning 6 months old on January 3rd!!! She is the most amazing little baby ever. Lexi is still so tiny. She is about 10 1/2 lbs and 21 1/2 inches long, but she can do things that 6 month old babies can do. It is pretty funny to see reactions of people who expect her to act like a newborn because she's so petite. Lexi is really starting to establish likes and dislikes. She is so fun!
Lexi is teething now, loves to chew on everything and anything. You can tell Lexi is truly content when she curls her shoulders forward, puts her head back a bit and laughs this little "ah hah" sound. Lexi can stand up with assistance, isn't crawling yet, but is acting interested, so maybe it won't be that long until then. She loves the sound of her own voice, and will scream just to hear herself, it’s so funny!
January 10, 2007
It takes a village to raise a child, and Lexi thanks God everyday for our village! Here I was thinking that Lexi was posing and the poor thing was just trying to tell me she had an ear infection!!!
Lexi is trying to feed herself. We are still working on it, bottle doesn't quite make it into the mouth yet.

I can't remember if in the last update I told you that Lexi is up to 12 lbs. Her ear infection that she had is all better, and she is doing great. Lexi still doesn't want to crawl. She gets so mad when you put her on her belly, it’s like she gets insulted! She loves to hold onto your fingers and walk around! She may very well just skip the whole crawling thing all together.
Lexi has been staying up a whole lot more during the day, barely taking naps, but she is sleeping wonderfully at night. She is into everything and all she wants to do is explore
As far as I go, I am getting my tubes tied in the morning (Friday) at 7:30 am. It was an extremely hard decision for me to make, but it is the only logical answer. My doctors said that I should not ever get pregnant again as my body doesn't like being pregnant. I have also started on CellCept (chemotherapy drug) for my kidney disease, as the protein in my urine has shot up to above 5,000 grams and the nephrologist wants to take action to prevent kidney damage.

Lexi can sit up on her own, pull up and stand up on her own, and is so so close to walking! She has no interest in crawling. April 3rd she'll be 9 months old! She's around 13 lbs, and maybe about 23" tall (a guess).
Lexi starts daycare on April 23rd, and I go back into work in the office then.
April 30, 2007
click here for Lexi's first steps video
Lexi took her first couple of steps Sunday night. My neighbor was over, and we were playing with Lexi. All of a sudden she tried to take some steps. I didn't have my camera right then, so we tried to re-inact!
Lexi's stats: 10 months old on May 3rd, over 14 lb, about 25 inches long, week 2 of daycare

Lexi is feeding herself. She is to the point now where if I want her to eat, then I need to let her do it herself, or she will throw a fit. She wants to be a big girl so badly. So, I cleaned the kitchen floor and put Lexi and a cup of yogurt down on the floor. As much of a mess as she made, she actually got quite a bit into her mouth!
Lexi is going to be starting her 3rd week of daycare, and loves it. I have seen a huge difference in Lexi since she started daycare. She talks more, entertains herself more, and she sleeps more at night.
May 31, 2007
click here to see Lexi kissing the camera on video
Lexi had a double ear infection earlier in the month and was put on augmentin. That didn't clear it up, so she is now on omnicef, and they have added zyrtec to see if that will help her out. She has had a bunch of ear infections already... I believe we are on #5! She has been finally feeling better since being on this second antibiotic and being on the zyrtec.
Lexi is 14 lb 9 oz, what a whopper! She'll be 11 months old on June 3rd!!!
July 4, 2007
Lexi went to the doctor last week for her ears, and she still has the same ear infection. She has had this ear infection since the very end of April/beginning of May. She is on her 6th round of antibiotics. She has been on Augmentin, Omnicef, Rosephin shots, back to Augmentin ES, back to Rosephin shots, and now back to Omnicef. I have finally thrown my hands up in the air and taken her into the local natural foods store where a licensed MD specializing in wholistic medicine owns the store. She said to take Lexi off of all dairy to see if it helps. We took her off of dairy, switched her to soy and are crossing her fingers that the ear infection goes away.

Other than all of this ear infection nonsense, Lexi is doing great. She's still tiny, and people still stare at her like she is a 6 month old, and practically fall out of their seat when they see her walk around. And yes, she has practically perfected walking despite having the longest ear infection on record. As of last week Lexi was 15 lbs 9 oz. She is still in 3-6 months clothing, and we have gotten such great use out of all of her clothes. She grows so slowly, that she wears every single outfit she has, definitely getting our money's worth on the clothing!
Lexi is still small; she is 26 pounds and 34 inches tall, but she makes up for her size in her attitude. Lexi is truly one of God’s precious miracles and I am thankful for my stubbornness to have a family despite the odds that were stacked up against me! Take me back to Lissa's World.
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